Monday, June 21, 2010

The reality of food waste in the world ! ( The Fact )

An estimated 8.3 million tonnes of household food waste is produced each year in the UK, where most of them could be in consumption, Edible food is wasted this way, rendering high costs wastage and adversely impacts on the environment.  The amount of food we throw away is a major contributor to the production of greenhouse gases in the UK.
The UK, US and Europe have nearly twice as much food from the required by the nutritional needs of their populations. Up to half the entire food supply is wasted between the farm and the fork. If the excess crops  fed to livestock are included, European countries have more than three times more food than they need, while the US has around four times more food than is needed, and up to three-quarters of the nutritional value is lost before it reaches people at the end of the food chain.
UK Households waste 25% of all the food they buy. All of the world’s nearly one billion hungry people could be lifted out of malnourishment on less than a quarter of the food that is wasted in the US, UK and Europe.
There are nearly one billion malnourished people in the world,approximately 40 million tonnes of food wasted by US households, retailers and food services each year would be enough to satisfy the hunger of every one of them.
Love food hate waste campaign in UK
Food waste in USA

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